Monday, November 29, 2010

Hudson felt Clayton move for the first time!

Since we could feel Clayton really pack some punch outside of my stomach we have been trying to get Hudson to feel him move. Many many tries have been unsuccessful. Hudson would put his little hands on my stomach and then take them away just before Clayton would let out a huge kick or roll. Well tonight we finally accopmlished Hudson feeling Clayton move in mommy's tummy!!! The look on his face was completely undescribable and one I wish I could have caught on camera. He pulled his precious little hands off of my stomach and just laughed and had this look of total awe on his face. Hudson then thought it would be fun to really try to shake my stomach up and then watch Clayton kick back in agitation. Hudson would giggle and do it all over again, the same surprised look on his face every time! It was too cute, it was almost like getting a sneak peak of Hudson irritating Clayton while Clayton kicks back in frustration:) Oh my what fun times we will have, especially since Hudson seemed to already get a BIG satisfaction out of it!

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