I have many friends that blog. I find them very interesting and such a neat way to keep up with the little things that are going on in their day to day life that I might miss out on otherwise. Sooooo, I have decided to give this blog thing a whirl. I am sure that my mom and dad will grow to love it because they will probably get more information about their grandchildren and their daily activities on here then they would if it were up to a phone call. Not because I do not like to talk to my parents on the phone but rather by the time I have the peace and quiet to call them, it is way past their bed time:) I must be honest, it feels kind of awkward just sitting here typing about all of this but since this is my first blog I am sure with practice I will get better. Although I am not sure how often I will be able to actually blog because as anyone with children would know, my precious little two year old takes up the majority of my free time. Even when I try to make free time for myself he tends to try to make sure that does not happen, and i don't mind that one bit because he will only be this age and wanting my total attention non stop for one moment in is his lifetime and I will never be able to get that back if I miss out on it now.
Naming this blog was very interesting, I am not a very creative person when it comes to naming things, we have enough trouble as it is naming children, let alone a blog. I tried to think of all these clever things and then even thought of just saying mom and three boys. With a two year old boy, a boy on the way, and a husband I thought that might be fitting but then in the end decided against it because my husband is a man not a boy so he might get offended with that blog title. Then adding a mom two boys and a husband would be way too long for a name. After much thought I finally ended on Tennant's Tales. I figured the double T was "cute" and I figured with a crazy two year old boy and another boy on the way I will have plenty of tales between the two of them to tell:)
I love ur blog! So cute!