The first month was pretty much just trying to adjust to everything! Life is crazy going from one to two which I fully expected :) During the first month he had just a few milestones not many big ones but a few small. He had his first bath which he did not like. He screamed the whole time and this tradition follwed for the next month or two of baths. The picture below pretty much sums up our baths! Since that is the only major milestone we had we will move on to month two following a few pics!
1st day in hospital
1st Bath
1 month
Month 2 came very fast and mommy could not believe that it was already here! Month two was pretty uneventful. You got to meet Dr. Summers for the first time and she thought you were just wonderful! On March 11th you starting smiling at mommy and daddy and even brother and we were so excited to get to see your precious little smile! Your tummy problems started this month and it made mommy and daddy sad when your tummy would hurt. Mommy figured out certain things would help and Dr. Dansby gave us some medicine to make it better!
2 month Stats: 12 lbs 4 oz
23 1/4 in long
Meeting Dr. Summers
3 months was quite a fun time! You were smiling more and more and really developing a personality. This month you got your first hair cut!!!! After you got your 3 month pictures mommy realized that your hair was horrible so Jill came over and cut it for you and you looked so handsome!
3 months Old
First Hair Cut
Thank you Jill
Month four you were getting busier and busier. You also took your first major road trip! You went to Dallas with your mommy, Mandi, Cristin, Anita, Leigh, Jillian and Alicia. You were such a good boy the whole time and did a great job while we shopped, shopped, shopped. This month you also had your first Easter! You pretty much couldn't participate but sat back and watched all the action. We spent Easter with Jason and Mandi Butler at Jason's parents house in Wagoner, OK.
4 Month Stats: 15 lbs 8 oz
25 inches long
My First Easter
1st Dallas Trip
Your fifth month was a BIG BIG month! The beginning of your fifth month you started grabbing for your toys and playing with your toy bar on your car seat. On June 17th you tried your first baby food and you loved it! On June 10th you started really rolling over and have not stopped trying to roll over since. On June 11th you laughed for the very first time and it was the best sound in the world. Mandi was the person who got you to laugh for the first time by tickling your back. You thought she was soooo funny. June 27th you took your first plane ride to see Gigi and PaPaw. This trip also included your first trip to the beach that you loved. You also got to go on your first boat ride in PaPaw's new boat!
1st time at the beach
1st boat ride
6 months old and you are such a joy! From cooing and giggling to really trying to move. You had your first fourth of July and loved watching all the bright colors. You also started sitting up on your own around 6 1/2 months. Gigi and PaPaw took you to the aquarium for the first time. You love to watch your big brother and you guys will watch cartoons together some and also read books. We can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
6 Month Stats: 18 lbs 8 oz
27 inches
First trip to the aquarium!
1st Fourth of July
1st Fourth of July
Reading books with brother
6 months old
Watching tv in our jammies