Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hudson's 2nd year

Hudson recently turned three and I am going to start blogging in the way or writing him a letter every year so that one of these days if he cares (he is a boy so he probably won't) he can go back and read about our feelings and his accomplishments!

This past year with you has been a whirlwind of emotions! You have grown an extreme amount not only size wise but developmentally too. Your vocabulary has expanded beyond measure and you crack us up with the personality you are beginning to develop. Along with that personality comes the struggle of your strong will. I know that this will take you a long way in your adult life in accomplishing things but oh my what fun it is to try to channel the right direction as a parent.

You have learned a ton! You have learned what you like and don't like. You now know most of your colors and which ones are your favorite. You can count (sometimes you need a little help) and like to wash your hands and brush your teeth every chance you get. I think that you get this from your mommy and I love it! Bath time is one of your favorite things to do along with rough housing with daddy. Anytime you can get a ball in your hand you are throwing or kicking. You can also swing your bat and hit the ball off of a tee and you are soooo coordinated, it blows mommy and daddy away! This past year Superman and Spiderman have become your favorite things to watch and act like. After bath we let you put your hooded towel on and run around the house naked acting like Superman! You love to build blocks and since your birthday you also love to play "shots" which is shooting your nerf gun and we almost always have to take a gun and some bullets with us when we leave the house. You are very good to leave them in the car though so that we don't leave any.

Your 3rd birthday was superman and spiderman themed and you had a blast. A lot of people came to help you celebrate and you were on overload, I don't think you wound down and went to bed until about 11:30 that night! Gigi and PaPaw flew all the way in from North Caroline and surprised all of us for your birthday party. Mommy cried and you were too focused on the bike they brought you to really notice:) Aunt Crystal and your cousin Tucker also came in all the way from Texas, Uncle Jeff had gotten a new baseball job and couldn't come so we were sad but glad that everyone else could!

This past year had three major milestones. The first was that you quit taking a paci. Mommy found wean dates on the farmers almanac and snipped the tips of your paci right at your second birthday. You cried a little for the first night and the second night hardly even whimpered. You did so good and never asked for it again. It was way easier than mommy expected it to be.

The next milestone was you becoming a big brother! You were so excited and love to hold Clayton all the time. Now that he is older you are constantly making him smile and he always watches you when you are around. You can't wait for Clayton to be old enough to play with. You are always worried about him and what he is doing and have even learned how to climb into the crib and give him his paci when he cries. This makes mommy nervous but you are so careful every time you help.

I got this one mommy. Daddy and I are taking good care of him:)

The final and major milestone of this year was potty training!!! Mommy once again turned to the farmer's almanac and found some potty training dates and one happened to fall the week before your 3rd birthday. So we went to work. Mommy figured out really quick that pull ups were not going to work for you because you would pee in them if they were on but if they weren't you would go on the potty. You were VERY easy to potty train. We had one rough day with lots of accidents and then after that you told mommy every time you needed to pee. You did such a great job and mommy and daddy were so proud of you and so happy we were back to only one kid in diapers:)

We love you so much and you are so much fun. It is so sad to see you getting so big so quick but each phase brings something new and exciting that takes mommy's mind off of how fast you are growing up.We try to soak up every second because you won't be little for long and before we know it you will be too cool to hang out with mommy and daddy and won't want us to hold you or rock you ever. Mommy cherishes the moments when you tell me "I want to hold you" I will drop anything I am doing just to enjoy some snuggle time with you. I love you soooo much and can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Here are a few snap shots of other things that happened this year:)
We love the park:)

Addy's princess dress up party

Uncle Jeff holding you up to see the fish!

First Easter as a big brother!

Halloween Bash for Miss Gwen's

Fabulous Fun Fall Festival at church!

You were in your first wedding for cousin Jenna!
You did such a great job and looked oh so handsome:)

You got a little sick of having all those clothes on by the end of the night.

You and Coop dog

Your cars lap top that you got for Christmas, its just like daddy's computer!

Our first trip out of the US with you. You are a beach lover like your mommy!

The whole family that went. It was so much fun

Fun in the sun!