Saturday, September 3, 2011

God Stops

A few years ago I completed a bible study and one of the main things I walked away from that has stuck with me is Beth Moore's want for you to realize everything that God is doing around you even in the small things. These "God Stops" has she would call them could be anything from noticing something in nature that made you praise God for His creation to being given an opportunity to stop and think or talk about God. Often times when I notice something and it makes me either think about God or want to stop and pray I will often think of this and thank God for showing or giving me the opportunity top of that study I also recently completed one by Beth Moore that was called Loving Well. The basis of it was learning to love all people in your life whether they be a Testy friend, Joy Friend, Foe, or Far by the overflow of love that God pours into our lives when we ALLOW Him to.

The past week or so I have been going into work really early to try to catch up on things since our office is low on staff right now. In the mornings when I leave between 6:40 and 7:00 I started noticing all the children that are waiting at bus stops along Martin Luther King street. The first morning I noticed this and felt an overwhelming sadness that this extreme number of children in elementary especially were having to be up and out of the door this early waiting on a bus when school didn't start for another almost two hours. The first week this "God Stop" made me pray for my mother that morning on the way to work and really just praise God for how wonderful of parents I was blessed with and thank Him for the simple thing of not having to wait at a bus stop at 6:45 every morning before school because my mom was fortunate enough to be able to take me. The next Tuesday when I was driving by I thought for a second I wonder how many breakfast burritos from McDonalds I would need to just drop enough off one morning to feed them on my way to work. Now I am not only a scaredy cat that watches too many murder/vanishing mysteries but I am also probably way too sensitive to what might hurt people less fortunate feelings. So I immediately thought what if they take it the wrong way and are offended and then became angry and I totally disappear. Almost immediately after thinking this God placed the simple thought from the Loving Well bible study on my heart that it is important to also pray for the far friends. These are people who we may never even meet or see but do still need to pray for them. I instantly started praying for each of these children's day that were sitting at the many stops along my way to work. The first morning I was very surprised to find that by the time I got to work I was overwhelmed with sadness to the point of a few tears. As I was praying that they see God in some way that day through someone in their path I realized that not all those children have mothers or fathers that prayed for them before they were born and will continue praying for them for the rest of their lives. I then realized that what if my little prayer that morning was the only prayer said for them that day or even more sad that week or month or year. Then I felt a peace come over me and realized that my little prayer is not so little to God. So every morning on my way to work I have started praying for these children whose names I don't even know but I have also found anytime I am driving down Martin Luther King or around there it makes me stop and think of these precious children of God and I say a prayer over them. I will never know if it makes a difference in their lives or if they become saved but I am asking each of you to join me in praying for them if you ever have a "God Stop" moment and this comes to your mind. You will be surprised at the amount of things that can come from praying for a complete stranger.

After all of the things above came to be I realized that since Clayton has come and life has been crazy I have not been as good at noticing the "God Stops" that God presents for me to plant seeds with my own child. I still pray for Hudson daily but haven't been daily seeking a way to plant seeds of the amazing love of my savior. The other evening in the bath God opened the door wide open and I had to stop and praise Him for the opportunity and that my eyes were open to it. We were giving Hudson a bath and I said oh Hudson your feet are so dirty let mommy really scrub them good to get them clean. He said ok mommy. Then I said boy you played hard this is hard to get the dirt off. He said why is it hard mommy. I said well you played hard. Then it hit me I can tie this into how easy it is for God to wash away the "dirty" things in our lives much easier than scrubbing so hard with a wash cloth. Then I thought here goes, God grant me the words to not totally confuse him. So I said Hudson did you know that sometimes when we don't mind or we do something we shouldn't God washes it away from our lives with a simple prayer saying we are sorry. He said you don't have to scwub and scwub and scwub like this. (motion the wash cloth on the side of the tub) I said no He sent his little boy to do all the hard work for us so that when we are really dirty like when you play outside all we have to do is talk to God and tell him we are sorry and he washes all the dirt out of lives. Then Hudson turned to me and said I ilke that mommy! I know that at three he probably does not totally grasp the concept but at least the seed has been planted.

I pray for each of you that may read this blog that God will not only place these "God Stops" throughout your day but that when he does you will be watching close enough that you take time out of your day to praise Him, thank Him, pray or take action.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Clayton 1 to 6 months

Ok so I am quite awful at keeping up with my boys on here so like I did a blog for Clayton's 2nd year to age 3 I am going to do one big write about Clayton's first six months of his precious little life.

The first month was pretty much just trying to adjust to everything! Life is crazy going from one to two which I fully expected :) During the first month he had just a few milestones not many big ones but a few small. He had his first bath which he did not like. He screamed the whole time and this tradition follwed for the next month or two of baths. The picture below pretty much sums up our baths! Since that is the only major milestone we had we will move on to month two following a few pics!

1st day in hospital

1st Bath

1 month

Month 2 came very fast and mommy could not believe that it was already here! Month two was pretty uneventful. You got to meet Dr. Summers for the first time and she thought you were just wonderful! On March 11th you starting smiling at mommy and daddy and even brother and we were so excited to get to see your precious little smile! Your tummy problems started this month and it made mommy  and daddy sad when your tummy would hurt. Mommy figured out certain things would help and Dr. Dansby gave us some medicine to make it better!
2 month Stats: 12 lbs 4 oz
                           23 1/4 in long

Meeting Dr. Summers

3 months was quite a fun time! You were smiling more and more and really developing a personality. This month you got your first hair cut!!!! After you got your 3 month pictures mommy realized that your hair was horrible so Jill came over and cut it for you and you looked so handsome!

3 months Old

First Hair Cut

Thank you Jill

Month four you were getting busier and busier. You also took your first major road trip! You went to Dallas with your mommy, Mandi, Cristin, Anita, Leigh, Jillian and Alicia. You were such a good boy the whole time and did a great job while we shopped, shopped, shopped. This month you also had your first Easter! You pretty much couldn't participate but sat back and watched all the action. We spent Easter with Jason and Mandi Butler at Jason's parents house in Wagoner, OK.
4 Month Stats: 15 lbs 8 oz
                            25 inches long

My First Easter

1st Dallas Trip

Your fifth month was a BIG BIG month! The beginning of your fifth month you started grabbing for your toys and playing with your toy bar on your car seat. On June 17th you tried your first baby food and you loved it! On June 10th you started really rolling over and have not stopped trying to roll over since. On June 11th you laughed for the very first time and it was the best sound in the world. Mandi was the person who got you to laugh for the first time by tickling your back. You thought she was soooo funny. June 27th you took your first plane ride to see Gigi and PaPaw. This trip also included your first trip to the beach that you loved. You also got to go on your first boat ride in PaPaw's new boat!

1st time at the beach

1st boat ride

6 months old and you are such a joy! From cooing and giggling to really trying to move. You had your first fourth of July and loved watching all the bright colors. You also started sitting up on your own around 6 1/2 months. Gigi and PaPaw took you to the aquarium for the first time. You love to watch your big brother and you guys will watch cartoons together some and also read books. We can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
6 Month Stats: 18 lbs 8 oz
                     27 inches

First trip to the aquarium!

1st Fourth of July

1st Fourth of July

Reading books with brother

6 months old

Watching tv in our jammies

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hudson's 2nd year

Hudson recently turned three and I am going to start blogging in the way or writing him a letter every year so that one of these days if he cares (he is a boy so he probably won't) he can go back and read about our feelings and his accomplishments!

This past year with you has been a whirlwind of emotions! You have grown an extreme amount not only size wise but developmentally too. Your vocabulary has expanded beyond measure and you crack us up with the personality you are beginning to develop. Along with that personality comes the struggle of your strong will. I know that this will take you a long way in your adult life in accomplishing things but oh my what fun it is to try to channel the right direction as a parent.

You have learned a ton! You have learned what you like and don't like. You now know most of your colors and which ones are your favorite. You can count (sometimes you need a little help) and like to wash your hands and brush your teeth every chance you get. I think that you get this from your mommy and I love it! Bath time is one of your favorite things to do along with rough housing with daddy. Anytime you can get a ball in your hand you are throwing or kicking. You can also swing your bat and hit the ball off of a tee and you are soooo coordinated, it blows mommy and daddy away! This past year Superman and Spiderman have become your favorite things to watch and act like. After bath we let you put your hooded towel on and run around the house naked acting like Superman! You love to build blocks and since your birthday you also love to play "shots" which is shooting your nerf gun and we almost always have to take a gun and some bullets with us when we leave the house. You are very good to leave them in the car though so that we don't leave any.

Your 3rd birthday was superman and spiderman themed and you had a blast. A lot of people came to help you celebrate and you were on overload, I don't think you wound down and went to bed until about 11:30 that night! Gigi and PaPaw flew all the way in from North Caroline and surprised all of us for your birthday party. Mommy cried and you were too focused on the bike they brought you to really notice:) Aunt Crystal and your cousin Tucker also came in all the way from Texas, Uncle Jeff had gotten a new baseball job and couldn't come so we were sad but glad that everyone else could!

This past year had three major milestones. The first was that you quit taking a paci. Mommy found wean dates on the farmers almanac and snipped the tips of your paci right at your second birthday. You cried a little for the first night and the second night hardly even whimpered. You did so good and never asked for it again. It was way easier than mommy expected it to be.

The next milestone was you becoming a big brother! You were so excited and love to hold Clayton all the time. Now that he is older you are constantly making him smile and he always watches you when you are around. You can't wait for Clayton to be old enough to play with. You are always worried about him and what he is doing and have even learned how to climb into the crib and give him his paci when he cries. This makes mommy nervous but you are so careful every time you help.

I got this one mommy. Daddy and I are taking good care of him:)

The final and major milestone of this year was potty training!!! Mommy once again turned to the farmer's almanac and found some potty training dates and one happened to fall the week before your 3rd birthday. So we went to work. Mommy figured out really quick that pull ups were not going to work for you because you would pee in them if they were on but if they weren't you would go on the potty. You were VERY easy to potty train. We had one rough day with lots of accidents and then after that you told mommy every time you needed to pee. You did such a great job and mommy and daddy were so proud of you and so happy we were back to only one kid in diapers:)

We love you so much and you are so much fun. It is so sad to see you getting so big so quick but each phase brings something new and exciting that takes mommy's mind off of how fast you are growing up.We try to soak up every second because you won't be little for long and before we know it you will be too cool to hang out with mommy and daddy and won't want us to hold you or rock you ever. Mommy cherishes the moments when you tell me "I want to hold you" I will drop anything I am doing just to enjoy some snuggle time with you. I love you soooo much and can't wait to see what the next year brings!

Here are a few snap shots of other things that happened this year:)
We love the park:)

Addy's princess dress up party

Uncle Jeff holding you up to see the fish!

First Easter as a big brother!

Halloween Bash for Miss Gwen's

Fabulous Fun Fall Festival at church!

You were in your first wedding for cousin Jenna!
You did such a great job and looked oh so handsome:)

You got a little sick of having all those clothes on by the end of the night.

You and Coop dog

Your cars lap top that you got for Christmas, its just like daddy's computer!

Our first trip out of the US with you. You are a beach lover like your mommy!

The whole family that went. It was so much fun

Fun in the sun!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Coffee....because its that kind of morning

Coffee, something I thought I would never come to like let alone grow to love. Kind of like Dr. Pepper......I know who doesn't like Dr. Pepper but I must admit that I didn't until I was pregnant with Clayton and then now that is the pop of choice. Back to coffee, it was always the drink my parents and grandparents drank and I thought that I would stick to cappuccino and never be quite "grown up" enough to drink coffee. Reagan and I knew that with my mom coming for two weeks when Clayton was born we would be required to have coffee in the house no questions asked. Her and my dad drink coffee every morning. So we bought the coffee, I brought the coffee maker home from work my last day on the job and we were ready to be in business for it. I must admit that it was going to irritate me to have my coffee maker out on my cabinet for two entire weeks when it did have a place to go. For those of you that know me I am quite OCD at times about everything being in its appropriate spot, and it multiplies in intensity for two weeks post baby:) (lucky Reagan) So the first morning my mom is here I decide to try it again and I had already prepared with buying this Hazlenut creamer I had at Corey Coleman's house Christmas morning that was quite tasty. Needless to say I had coffee three mornings straight before I finally decided that I DID like coffee and that some rearranging on the countertop was in order to make a home for the coffee maker. I will admit that I am still not a pro at making a pot of coffee and I actually only drink it when my amazingly sweet husband puts on a pot before he goes to work. What a nice surprise that is when I am exhausted and walk into the kitchen or wake to the smell of a fresh brewing pot of coffee. I am still a "wimp" and like creamer in my coffee and not just a dab will do but quite a bit:) That however could be changing, we were at the store yesterday and Reagan informed me that we were out of coffee almost and needed to buy more so we decided to venture out from the breakfast blend and try a flavored coffee. The one that sounded the best was the hazelnut flavored one because I immediately thought it would go great with the hazlenut creamer that i like. I knew before I even poured a cup that this new flavored coffee would become a favorite. It smelled so amazing and as I sit here drinking a hot cup it tastes equally so. I wll make a side note and say that if you drink coffee with creamer and have not tried the Cinnabon creamer you are missing out! It is another one that is the bomb dot com so to speak. Coffee may not be the most exciting topic for a post but since I have been utterly exhausted the past two weeks for some reason (my husband keeps asking if I am prego but thats another story) it is what is needed this morning which started at 6:55 am thanks to my precious baby Clayton.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Adjusting and the Balancing Act of a mommy of two!

The first time I was pregnant it was the undaunting advice of people who were already mothers that took the baby bump as an open invitation to tell their labor and delivery story and then give tons of advice about becoming a mother. Then the big moment comes and you are thrown into the whirlwind of becoming parents for the first time. Let me tell you that I had probably had just about as much training with raising a child as anyone could come close to before having one full time themselves. As much as that helped prepare me Hudson still threw me and my husband through an absolute loop! Then as he got older and things got a little easier we always thought that baby number two, if God blessed us with another, would be a breeze because we were already pros at this so we thought. Hudson was a good baby for the most part, very happy just didn't like to sleep longer than two to three hours at a time for quite a while.

When I got pregnant the second time, I was a little relieved to think that every woman who saw my bump would not give me tons of unsolicited advice once they knew that I was a veteran at this mom and labor thing. Boy was I mistaken! When you let them know that this is baby number two you get a whole new round of advice on how to make sure the first one doesn't feel left out and how to care for two and so on and so on. I must admit though that after knowing how it feels to want to relive the exciting moments of having that first baby it is a little easier to sit through this advice because you know that eventually one day at least at one point in your life you will be that veteran mom passing on advice wanted or not to a precious little pregnant lady. When Clayton was born life was amazing the first couple weeks. He slept soooo much more than Hudson did. He would only wake up once in the middle of the night to eat and then sleep on through until the morning, LIFE WAS GOOD! Then the colic started. For those of you who have never experienced this be very very thankful. I had a dear friend who had to suffer through this with her first child and let me tell you that any mom who has a colic child definitely needs a close friend who has been there done that. They will be your saving grace at times and will be the only one who can truly sympathize and understand what you are dealing with. They also may be the only one able to give you a break occasionally because only they will konw the methods to the madness that clams the precious child. I will never forget the week before Clayton's two month check up I think each afternoon ended up in at least two or three of us crying while waiting on Reagan to come home. Then at the two month check up we hit a turning point.

Dr. Dansby prescribed us a wonderful prescription for the tummy problems. It is the best drug and was truly sent from God himself to help mothers who suffer with these tummy issues. The days have gotten better lately but there are definitely days here and there that are trying with my patience. I have learned though in the past not to pray for patience because God will just give you another chance to use it and I get plenty of chances as it is. I am sure that Hudson is even excited that Clayton's tummy is doing better because unfortunately so when Clayton is fussy mommy's patience with Hudson dwindles. There are days where I feel like the worst mother because Hudson is begging me to play cars and I have to tell him to hold on just a minute while mommy feeds Clayton, or changes Clayton, or puts Clayton down for a nap. Or when I have to tell him to calm down so that he doesn't wake Clayton up. I try as much as possible to include Hudson whenever I am rocking Clayton so he doesn't feel left out or replaced. It is so hard to find a balance between making him feel special and still making him mind and use his "inside" voice when need be. It just completely breaks my heart when I feel like he doesn't understand why Clayton eating is more important than playing cars with him. It is however very sweet when he does still let me rock him and cuddle him. Or when he is the great big brother and sits and talks to Clayton or gives him his passy and tells him he is ok. Hudson has such a tender heart and has surprisingly adjusted very well to being a big brother! God has given him such a tender heart and sweet spirit. I can't wait to see how we keep up this balancing act for our family and what kind of spririt God will give Clayton.

We recently found out that some of our friends whom we care for dearly are about to become parents to two beautiful children whom they have never met before. I can tell you that watching them go through this process has made my respect level for people who adopt just soar to another level. It takes a very special heart and home to welcome in two children and love them completely. You don't get nine months to bond to the child and yet I see the excitement in her eyes and the way he talks about his soon to be children and there is no doubt in my mind that they will love if not already love those children any less than we love the ones that are biologically ours. I sit here and think of how difficult it has been to have three years with one child and then adjust to adding another one to the mix and here they are fearlessly and openly welcoming two children who already have established some thought patterns and personality into their lives. Makes my surprises and learning to balance seem amateur. I am absolutely thrilled to get to watch this process they have gone through and how much God has blessed them along this road of adoption. I absolutely cannot wait to see them adjust and grow their precious little family! Most of all I cannot wait until the day that I can give her unsolicited advice:) Just for the heck of it and even if she gets annoyed I will be absolutely thrilled that she has finally been blessed with the children to get to experience this unsolicited advice!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Clayton Mark Tennant

So life has finally calmed down enough for me to sit and actually write another post:) I know it has been a long time but having two kids is quite an adjustment and I must say Clayton sleeps better than Hudson ever did at this age but he is a little more needy when he is awake than Hudson was. I am guessing the middle child syndrom is starting early, which being a middle child myself I am allowed to make such a comment about the baby who will one day be my middle child, God willing:)

Monday the 31st of January my mom Reagan and I headed to Tulsa to go to the doctor to get things started in bringing Clayton into this world. I halfway expected to walk in and be told I was still at a three like the week before and be "stripped" and sent to walk the mall until contractions start. Much to my surprise we went into the doctor and I was already at a five so no need to go walking. So my amazing doctor "stripped" me and we went to the hospital. I know that a lot of you are probably wondering what being "stripped" means and let me tell you it is NO FUN! It is quite painful but I must say it did the trick to get labor going somewhat with both children. A brief explanation would be that pretty much the doctor separates your bag that contains everything from the uteren (spelling?) wall. To answer your question yes this separation is as painful if not more than it sounds. At this point we get checked in and its about 1:00 pm or so. I am hooked up and ready to go. This is when the waiting game  begins. My contractions slowly started getting a little stronger and closer together but I was still doing good. Then about 2:00 the back labor began, which I had with Hudson and must say it is no fun either. I decide at this point that now would be a good time to ask for my epidural. This is when it gets fun.

Having my water broke before my epidural with Hudson I thought it would be a great idea to get that in before my doctor came by around 5:00 to break it herself. They get everything ready, set the tray the doctor will use to insert the amazing drugs and take my blood. About fifteen to thirty minutes later the nurse comes in and politely asks if I have ever had a blood clotting disorder or platelet problems. I had not so this sent me into a panic. The nurse of course can't tell me anything and just says they are going to take more blood to run another test. At this point I turn to my wonderful friends and family in the room and tell them to look up what that means now in my nicest voice possible:) They look up and say well you may not be getting an epidural. At this point my fear turns from I may have to have a c-section to I CANNOT give birth naturally. I then turn to Reagan, my mother, Mandi, and Jill and say "Everybody in this room better hope I have an epidural" that was followed by three of the four laughing. Jill was the only sweet person in the room who did not laugh at the fact that I would not be getting one. Little did I know that they all knew I wouldn't be and no one wanted to tell me this small fact.

Around 5:00 pm, still not knowing for sure about the epidural, my sweet doctor comes in to break my water. I politely say, "can we please wait until we know for sure whether I am getting an epidural or not?" she responds, "honey we have to have a baby today" that is when it hit me that I would not be having any assistance in having this baby. She then breaks my water at about 5:10 and I am still a 5-6. This is when in the words of Travis Sloat "it gets real". After the water breaking was the first time I snapped at my precious husband. He was on the other side of the room and bless his heart I was in so much pain that grabbing the bed rail was not helping and I needed something that would push back. I asked where he was followed by a polite get over here now:)  Who am I kidding, it was not very polite. The pain continued to get closer and worse and I was doing my best to breathe through them, not having any birth classes I was just flying by the seat of my pants. I was breathing so hard that my throat kept getting so dry it would feel like I was going to throw up. This is one of the times Mandi was a life saver. I would just say I need water and she would bring it right over so I could take a drink and it would be better for a bit. The next funny thing was said when I told him this was not part of the birthing plan. Shortly after I did look at my husband and tell him that I didn't know where that came from because I never had a formal birthing plan. Mandi will say that yes I did because for anyone that knows me I try to plan everything out but I still stick to the fact that I did not have one written out and discussed with my doctor, lol.

At a little before 5:30 my doctor comes in and tells me she is going to leave and will be right back, due to the fact that I am in so much pain I can't say much to her she decides to check me again. I was already at an 8 and she responds that we are about to have a baby. This is when the panic starts to set in again about going at this without any drugs. My mother at this point comes over and starts patting my arm. I then grab her hand and tell her stop please, she could squeeze or just lay her hand there but soft touches were NOT allowed at this point. This is when she turns to Mandi and says "she didn't like that". I didn't know but Mandi had a great idea of rubbing my back to help with the back labor but no one wanted to come and try it because they were afraid they would get their head bitten off and I don't know why, Lol. That is a lie, I totally know why they thought that. After I did tell Mandi that a hard back rub would have probably helped just no soft touches. This is when things really turned up, I was in so much pain that I kept just thinking I have to push, this has to be over now.

At this point I ask to start pushing and I am laying on my back waiting on everything to be ready and the little labor and delivery nurse starts doing this soft, rubbing, grabbing, thing with the loose skin on my stomach and it was driving me absolutely nuts. First a little side note of this precious nurse. She would come in all through the labor and say you can do this, one contraction at a time, you are doing so good, its not that bad, etc. At one point I wanted to look at the cute little face with her preciously annoying voice and say have you ever had kids? But I refrained. However when she was messing with my stomach I finally had to ask if there was a reason she was doing that? In my mind I am thinking if there is a medical reason I will put up with it if not she needs to stop. When she replied, "no" I said then stop. That was probably one moment where I thought I was rude but when I talked with her after and apologized she kindly said that I was not rude at all and that was not the worse thing she had heard:) This nurse had also told me that when the baby was ready to come out I would feel a deep burning sensation and it would be over. I wish she had never said this because then the entire time I was pushing Johnny Cash's "Burning Ring of Fire" kept playing through my head, not cool.

The pushing part went really fast. I was at an 8 at 5:30 and I went to complete and pushed him out in fourteen minutes for a birth time of 5:44. I can remember pushing and they kept telling me he is almost here he is almost here. I finally said is he really? I am the person that needs to be shot straight in a situation like this. I kept thinking don't tell me that if I have an hour of pushing left. My doctor looked at me and said he would be here if I gave a good ten second push. I was never more determined in my life when that next contraction came I pushed with all of my might and just though if I could get his head out she can pull him the rest of the way! So I push and mind you while I am pushing my husband and mother have so kindly stepped by my head and have left the nurse and Mandi to hold my legs:) Which I must say major props, they did an amazing job! I gave that last hard push and laid back sure that I was done until I heard my mom say no keep pushing. Then with one last push Clayton Mark entered this world two week early weighing 7 lbs 4 oz and measuring 21 inches. I was so glad that the pain was over and he was here and healthy.

There were no really exciting or dangerous moments. Mandi did tell me that he came out blue with the cord around his neck but the doctor removed it so quickly and got him crying that I didn't notice:) His little face was bruised from being delivered so quickly but that healed up fairly quick. It was an amazing experience and I am glad to say that I can survive a natural delivery but I do know that having it both ways I would rather have the epidural! I would not have changed anything about the situation including the people who shared in his birth.

Hudson came up to meet his baby brother that night and has been head over heels for him ever since! He loves Clayton and is always quite worried when he cries and wants to hold him quite a bit when he is not too busy playing. Here are a few pictures from that special little day:)

Clayton Mark Tennant

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Whirlwind of Christmas

I have not posted since early December so I figured I better get on here and update:) Our December was filled with many many functions for the Christmas season and although I LOVE this time of year and the craziness that comes with it I must say that I am glad that things are getting back to normal. My trees are both finally taken down and my house is slowly getting back in order. The next step to normalcy will be cleaning out Hudson's toys again to make room for the ridiculous amount of new ones we got.

Every year we do a Christmas with some dear friends of ours that have a little girl Hudson's age. They are quite the pair and always exchange presents. I loved seeing their reactions this year. It was priceless. That however was not the funniest moment of the night. After dinner was done and gifts were open our friend Jason and my husband started to fix a light switch in my bathroom that had been put in upside down. Last Mandi and I looked the kids were in the bathroom watching the men fiddle with the flash light and trying to fix the light. At one point we hear Reagan and Jason say what are you guys doing, followed by Reagan saying what are you guys doing and a thanks for the shirts hun. Mandi and I immediately knew that the presents in the back had been gotten into. The pictures below are the sweetness of them opening their gifts followed by the onriness of them tearing into ones that weren't theirs:) All you could do is laugh and take pictures at that point. They had opened until they found a toy and then stopped with the shreds of evidence lying around them.

This was our first Christmas to spend alone as just our little family. I must say that after spending Christmas with my parents for the last 23 years it was very strange and a little depressing to spend it without any family. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved spending time with my boys but it was very different to not be with my parents. Hudson was an absolute blast this year. He really got into the whole waiting on Santa thing and was very excited walking into the living room Christmas morning. It is sad to say though that by the time he was done opening presents I think he was over opening gifts period, or maybe it was because he was obsessed with wanting to put his train set together that "Santa" had brought. Although the best earthly present received came from my amazing husband who got me the diamond earrings I have been wanting for quite some time now. He spoils me:)

One thing the end of December did bring was a few more weeks closer to adding a new addition to our family! Hudson is growing very excited for baby Clayton and I know that he will be an amazing big brother. We are also a few weeks closer to being an aunt and uncle for the first time as Aunt Crystal gives Hudson his first cousin, Tucker. We found out today that this tiny addition will be coming on 1/11/11. Easy for Aunt Tiffany to remember his birthday:) Hopefully it will not be so long before the next post and hopefully it will be about me going in to have this baby because I must say I am pretty much DONE being prego! It is a wonderful blessing that can make you more than miserable and cranky at the same time but I would not trade this gift for anything in the whole world.